11 Things to be Grateful for

1. The opportunity to slow down

For most of us, the last few months have moved slower than they should. Take a breath, appreciate the time as it is – after all, we’ll never get it back.

2. Time with family

By this point, most of us would be sick of our families – confined by the four walls of our homes, stuck with faces we wish to escape from. But there are only so many days we’ll have left together, let’s make them count.

3. A change of perspective

All of a sudden, the big things don’t seem so big anymore. January’s worries barely brush the surface of April’s. With the passing days and unchanging landscapes, the only perspective we can change is ours.

4. Your bed

I don’t know about you, but lying down after a day of work is truly one of the best things ever. Feeling the tension leave my neck and shoulders, plush mattress and comfy pillows under my head – I'm missing my bed already.

5. The little things

Making it onto the train before the door closes, an exceptionally good cup of coffee the barista whipped up this morning, the clouds in the sky – anything and everything.

6. Your favourite song

Odd as it seems, aren’t you glad your favourite song exists? What if it was never written? Would it have changed your life? I know mine would definitely be a lot more boring if ‘Larger Than Life’ by the Backstreet Boys wasn’t written to wake me up in the early mornings.

7. Sunsets

For every dusk brings a new dawn. That the day lasts not forever, neither does the night. 

 8. Unity

In trying times, we help and are helped. To be able to be there for someone when they need it the most, to be the one they go to for a listening ear or an open heart, that's something to be grateful for.

9. The end of the day

Mornings always seem so far away at the end of one. Just think about everything you’ve accomplished since the moment you woke up this morning. Yeah, that’s a lot.

10. Kindness

To be able to show kindness is a blessing. Some don’t have enough to extend graciousness, some don’t understand the importance of it, some don't know how. To be able to extend it to yourself and others – it's something to love and welcome. 

11. That someone special

It’s rare to have a special person you can hold close to your heart – that friend you’ve known for years, a significant other that could very well be the one, the sibling you know will always have your back. Thank them today.

What are you grateful for?

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